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Employee/Plan Participant:
401(k) Resource Center
Employer/Plan Sponsor:
401(k) Resource Center
- A Message to Our Clients Regarding the DOL Fiduciary Ruling
- Proprietary Funds Are Problem Funds
- The 11 Biggest Pitfalls in 401k Plans
- 401k Lawsuits Show Change Is Needed
- Plan Sponsor Tip: Fallout from the DOL Ruling
- DOL Fiduciary Ruling Comes Up Short
- Supreme Court Warnings to 401(k) Plan Sponsors
- Not All Target Date Funds Are Created Equal
- Why You Should Care Who Manages Your 401(k): Part Three
- Why You Should Care Who Manages Your 401(k): Part Two
“We can singlehandedly relieve your company of 401(k) plan liability that could otherwise lead to litigation in the future…”
Your 401k is Better Here
Why Arkenstone is the Best 401k Plan Administrator for Your Business
Why Arkenstone is the Best 401k Plan Administrator for Your Employees
Your Plan Sponsor Is Exposed — This May be You
Here’s How the Best 401k Plans Work
“The fiduciary duty is the legal obligation to act solely in another party’s interests.”
The truth is, you (and/or your plan sponsor) have a myriad of other obligations to attend to. Co-sponsoring a plan with a co-worker puts significant personal liability on that co-worker, leaving him or her at higher risk for personal lawsuits over matters of which they have little control. But with Arkenstone Financial, both companies and their employees win. As a Registered Investment Advisory (RIA) firm, we take on full liability, offer our skill and time in managing 401k plans, and save you money in the following two ways:
First, we use new technology to accomplish the same secure activities in a more efficient way.
The high charges of your current plan provider are outdated. You no longer need to pay a premium just to access your investments, largely because technology is constantly driving the cost of business down.
We help translate that lowered cost into the investment world — and your own 401k account.
Second, we have a lower cost of business. As an independent registered investment advisory (RIA) firm, backed by TD Ameritrade. With TD Ameritrade as our custodian, we have access to all the same tools any bank, insurance company or large fee charging broker has, including access to over 10,000 ETFs and mutual funds.
To keep our business simple and transparent, we don’t create or sell our own products, so our advice has no conflict of interest. And since we don’t write mortgages, create mutual funds, or sell insurance, we have a lower overhead — and we pass those savings onto your 401k.
How is Arkenstone Financial better?
How Your Current 401k Plan May Be Failing You
Your company and plan sponsor may be personally liable for operating your 401k plan. That means your company and plan sponsor can be sued personally. Most insurance companies and big providers co-sponsor their employees’ plans, leaving people like you with a plan that is not independently sponsored. Your company retains full liability, and you may have personal liability.
Because of additional fees from big insurance, many people may be retiring with an average of 30% less money than they could have. As an independent advisor, we cut out the middle man. Find out how working with Arkenstone Financial could be worth it for you.
Today, many plan administrators simply charge too much to administer a 401(k) plan. If you’re not familiar with the details of those costs — and how many of them are unnecessary — the results of a simple analysis from Arkenstone, run with no cost or obligation, may surprise you. It’s true that fees in the 401k industry are slowly coming down. But why wait?
The Department of Labor recently started putting pressure on plan administrators because of the growing concerns of inefficient and unfair practices in the industry. The Department discovered many mainline providers give your employees less than ideal choices. These plan administrators offer proprietary (their own) products in the plan. That means not only do they collect a fee to run the plan, but they also collect a fee from the proprietary funds they “advise” employees invest in.
This “double-dipping” means double the cost to you and your employees. But the real loser in this scenario is the employee because these proprietary funds tend to be expensive in relation to long-standing, well known no-load alternatives.
And the “advice” becomes suspect. Employees get pigeon-holed, by lack of choice, into proprietary funds that frequently charge between three and 10 times the cost of funds offered by advice-only providers like Arkenstone Financial. All that translates to more money in the plan administrator pocket, and less in your employee’s take-home paycheck and 401k retirement account.
You Can Make a Difference in Your 401k Right Now
No cost. No obligation. Keep that 28% in your account.
If you’re interested in keeping more retirement savings in your own and your employees’ pockets, please give us a call. Or better yet, ask your human resources manager to give us a call. With a free, three-minute survey we’ll have enough information to submit a proposal that could reduce your exposure to lawsuits and keep more money in your and your co-workers’ retirement funds.
Fees matter. The Labor Department has estimated that an additional 1% fee, imposed over 35 years of investing, would cut a 401k account by 28% because of compounding (Reuters). Don’t wait until unnecessary fees take their toll on your 401k plan and your future. There’s no cost. There’s no obligation. You can keep that 28% in your account. Give us a call this week — your company and co-workers just might thank you.